Engagement with the Community

All parents and guardians are valuable part of our school community. Children’s learning is improved when we work in partnership with their parents or guardians, and their wider family. We therefore believe in close cooperation with all families, and in regular communication between the home and the school.

Aims and Objectives

Our aims through parental involvement are:

  • To enhance the learning experiences of all students;
  • To encourage parents and guardians to be involved in the children’s learning;
  • To provide a partnership between home and school;
  • To ensure that families feel welcome and valued; and
  • To ensure that maximum use is made of all these adults’ knowledge and skills to enrich learning opportunities for the students and staff.


Communication with Parents

School staff works hard to communicate effectively with parents/guardians. They do this in a number of ways:

  • School Information System (Paradigm)
  • School Learning Management System (Google Classroom)
  • Face-to-face discussion opportunities
  • Outlook Emails
  • Students – parents Conferences
  • Parents-Teacher Meetings (PTM)

Involvement of Parents in Children’s Learning

In order to find out about their child’s learning, parents/guardians can:

  • Attend Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTM).
  • Attend sessions where they are invited to look at their child’s work/ books.
  • Read their child’s annual report card.
  • Read their child’s progress report for each subject.
  • Attend a wide range of events, assemblies, performances, etc. to see their child participating in school life.
  • Parents/guardians receivestudent- parents handbook when their child starts at the school. This document includes all expectations of the school in terms of how a parent/guardian should support their child’s learning.

In order to support their child’s learning parents/guardians can:

  •     Ensure that their child is in school every day, on time.
  •     Carry out the daily home learning activities suggested by the school e.g. reading.
  •     Support their child with the focused, enrichment activities that are sent home from school.

    School staff value the support that is given to children at home by their parents/guardians as this helps children to make great strides of progress in school.

Involvement of Parents in the life of the school

School Visits

Parents/guardians are more than welcome to visit the school and speak to their child’s teachers in order that they can understand the curriculum, school life and the provision that is being made for the children. Appointments are made via the school front desk or section supervisor. Parents need to arrange for this visit and follow the proper protocol by sending an email or call to arrange for the visit.

Volunteering to Help in School

Parents/guardians are warmly invited to help in school with activities such as educational trips, supporting children’s learning in the classroom, etc. Parents/guardians are also invited, where appropriate, to visit classes and groups of children to give talks or demonstrations on areas of interest in which they are experts. Any parent/guardians who is interested in helping in school should contact their child’s class teacher.

Parents Teacher Association (PTA)
The school offers an opportunity for parents and guardians to contribute to the development of the school provision by active participation/representation in Parents Teacher Association. Parents/guardians can explore a range of topical school issues and provide information and ideas to support improvement.

The Local Governing Board (LGB)
The School Local Governing Board will seek our parents/guardians who are willing to serve as members of the school LGB when a position becomes available. Parent Governors represent the views of parents/guardians.

The school will make every effort to consult parents and guardians, both formally and informally, about their views on school life, children’s learning and new initiatives. Periodically, the school will seek parental views more formally, through internal and BAKIS annual surveys or questionnaires.

The school values regular feedback and will make every effort to act on parents/guardians’ views, wherever possible. Parents/guardians are welcomed to provide such feedback through the formal channels, as detailed above, or on an ad hoc basis. The school welcomes regular feedback both about positive aspects and where improvements could be made.

Monday Afternoon Memos (MAM)
Bi-weekly Monday afternoon memo is scheduled, where parents/guardians have the opportunity to meet with the school principal and senior leadership team. These meetings are scheduled virtually to share all updates with BAKIS community and to receive latest feedback from parents.


KG Graduation

08 Jan 2022

Global Day

15 Aug 2022